Friday, May 23, 2008

Kuching(Sarawak) Fishing Trip May 2008

Happy Fishing!


Unknown said...

Hi Sam,
We are from Hong Kong. We are really happy to see your fishing photos in Kuching. We are impressed and would like to go with our friends this June. Could you please send me the contact of the boat? How much for 3D2N's trip? We appreciate your help and looking forward to your reply to Thx!

Silong said...

hi i am from singapore and i would like to ask if u can give me the contacts for your fishing trip in kuching... very interested...
if possible pls be as detailed as possible. thanks alot alot!!!

Abbey Inn Cedar said...

Fishing is a great activity that will be helpful in individuals in terms of giving them the right spot to catch their favorite fishes that can be used for competitions or just for eating.

Fishing in Alaska